Investment Loans

Investment Loans

“Property investment is a game of Finance”.  

70% of the loans we write are Investment Home loans.

Whether you are a sophisticated investor looking to upscale or diversify your portfolio or just starting your investment journey, it’s crucial for property investors to carefully consider their investment strategy and financial goals when choosing the type of loan that best suits their needs.

By leveraging our experience and several lending options or structures, property investors can enhance their financial strategy, make informed decisions, and navigate the complexities of building and managing a successful property portfolio.

Who is Ka-ching

At Ka-ching Finance, we recognise that for many clients, it's not just about getting the loan.
We provide an end-to-end solution for clients who want to start or grow their property portfolio. How?


Strategy is absolutely essential to the home buying process. We understand that starting a property journey can be overwhelming, which is why we offer a personalised approach, by working with you to identify your financial situation, goals, and preferences to develop a mortgage strategy that suits your needs.


We are dedicated to aiding you in navigating the diverse landscape of mortgage products offered by various lenders. Our team works diligently on your behalf to identify the optimal mortgage loan tailored to your requirements, serving as intermediaries to facilitate the loan securing process.


 We utilise the latest research, data and insights to provide total due diligence on properties you're looking to purchase. At Ka-ching, Finance we're more than your typical mortgage broker. From finding the property, financing the purchase and securing your investment success for the long term - we're by your side.

Our Lenders

With thousands of mortgage products from over 35 lenders, whether it's a first home, an investment property, refinancing or a construction loan, we’re confident of finding you the right home loan match!

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